Monday, January 4, 2010


Today, is a really bad day for me...
I thought 2010 will be a good start for me..
But why? Why there's still some bad things left to me?
I can't blame, what I can do is just accept the truth and learn to be more clever.
Never ever simply trust people!
Ain't everyone will be good to you even you are good to them.
Sometimes, I'm doubting, hesitating...
should I good to others and try hardly to help others?
That's not my business, but I just don't want all my friends will get hurt.
End up with being betrayed by the one I helped, that feeling is really fucked up!
My tears rolled down without any control, I just let it be...
I hope I will recover when it stop rolling down, and there's the time I learn the lesson!
Anyhow, I'm appreciate for those who do cares me alot. Trusted me and supported me always!
For those FAKERS, always fake to me all the times, beware! You will have the same problem as me right now! I'm not cursing, just an allert!
I will keep go on my life, walk it out carefully, successfully!
Tough, I do need it.
Courages, I do more need it.
Never be a poker face, I will do whatever I think that's correct, and talk watever I think that is true!
If you can't stand with my personality, fucked off!
Seriously, I'm a very straight forward person.
I don't like to fight, but once you attack me and got my anger up, which I couldn't stand with it anymore, I will defend & protect myself! So, please think of urself before you want to talk someone!

Be Tough to ready for the fight!

1 comment:

  1. hihi^^
    dun sad sad la~
    appreciate them...
    cause they teach u a lesson...
    all the best to u gal~
